Union query
A union query combines fields (columns) from one or more tables or queries into one field or column in the query's results. For example, if you have six vendors that send new inventory lists each month, you can combine these lists into one result set using a union query, and then create a make-table query based on the union query to make a new table. 

Basic union query
The following union query consists of two SQL SELECT statements that return the company names and cities that are in Brazil, from both the Suppliers and Customers tables.  A union query takes its column names from the column names in the first table or SELECT statement. If you want to rename a field in the results, use the AS clause to create an alias for the fields. 

Renaming fields in a union query
The following union query renames the Company Name field to "Supplier/Customer Name" in the query output:

SELECT [CompanyName] AS [Supplier/Customer Name], [City]
FROM [Suppliers]

UNION SELECT [CompanyName] AS [Supplier/Customer Name], [City]
FROM [Customers];

Make-table query
Creates a new table from all or part of the data in one or more tables.
In one application that required the combining of two tables with similar data, I took the following approach:
  1. First I created the Union query called "reordered_2." 
  2. Next I created a Make-Table query to create a new table that included all of the attributes from reordered_2 except the ID. 
  3. Next I added an Autonumber column to the new table to provide an primary key.