Southeastern Idaho Native American Prehistory and History

by E.S. Lohse

Taken from Manual for Archaeological Analysis: Field and Laboratory Analysis Procedures. Department of Anthropology Miscellaneous Paper No. 92-1 (revised). Idaho Museum of Natural History, Pocatello, Idaho 1993.


List of References

Beale, M.D. and M.W. Wells

Burpee, L.J. (ed.)

Butler, B.R.

Butler, B.R.

Butler, B.R.

Butler, B.R.

Butler, B.R.

Coues, E. (ed.)

Green, T.J.

Gruhn, R.

Gudde, E.G. and E.K. Gudde (eds. and trans.)

Holmer, R.N.

Jimenez, J.

Lohse, E.S.

Lohse, E.S.

Lohse, E.S.

Madsen, B.

Miss, C.J.

Pavesic, M.G.

Powers, W.R.

Ranere, A.J.

Ranere, A.J. et al.

Reed, W.G. et al.

Sadek-Kooros, H.

Swanson, E.H.

Swanson, E.H. and P.G. Sneed

Teit, J.A.

Thompson, D.

Thwaites, Reuben Gold

Willey, Gordon R. and Philip Phillips